Inner Self

How to calm your inner self to gain inner happiness.


Who are you?

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You are a creation of nature with four dimensions:

  • Inner Self
  • Physical Self
  • Higher Self
  • Lower Self

Let's get more awareness about your Inner Self and how to manage your inner self to gain inner happiness and peace.

Your Inner Self can only be seen by you.


Self-talk is a crucial part of your Inner Self. It is your way of expressing the physical world to yourself. Thoughts play a significant role in your Inner Self. By default, your Inner Self is always seeking something to do. Your mind tends to jump from one thought to another. There are two forms of thoughts:

  • Random Thoughts: These drain your energy.
  • Intentional Thoughts: These empower your energy.

It's important to quiet your Inner Self if you want to find peace in life. Happiness Mountain's Methodology for bringing peace to your inner self involves practicing mindfulness and serotonin-generating activities.



Mindfulness Practice

Practice the following seven types of Mindfulness Practices defined in Happiness Mountain:

  • Breathing
  • Body Scan
  • Observation
  • Walking
  • Noting
  • Eating
  • Mindfulness using all your senses

You can use the Happiness Mountain App for daily practice.Ā 

Happiness App

Serotonin Generating Activities

Another technique involves practicing Serotonin-generating activities. Happiness Mountain recommends connecting with nature. Practice at least one connecting to nature activity daily, such as mindful walking outside or taking a mindful shower. For further details, refer to the "Happy Hormone" section in the Happiness Mountain Book.

Learn Happy Hormones

Now You can listen to the complete audiobook on the Happiness Mountain App.

In summary, identify your Inner Self and bring it to stillness and peace by practicing mindfulness and engaging in Serotonin-generating activities.


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